Dental Smiles of Hartford offers dental emergency care. Click below for immediate assistance.

Dental Emergency Hartford

Dental emergency care is essential to protect your oral health. For instance, if you’re in pain or bleeding in the mouth, you may need urgent care. Dental Smiles of Hartford offers dental emergency care. Please contact our team to address your dental concerns. It may need urgent attention.

What Is A Dental Emergency?

Below are common reasons to contact your emergency dentist.

Bleeding: We aren’t talking about gingivitis or bleeding gums. Although you should make an appointment asap if this is happening. If there is bleeding from a tooth with pain or from a mouth wound, then this would be a dental emergency.

Severe Pain: Pain is an indicator that something is wrong. Severe pain indicates an emergency. Call the dentist emergency line immediately, if the pain becomes unbearable or is associated with other symptoms.

Loose Teeth: This is not good. It’s not exactly life-threatening to your body but for your tooth time is of the essence if you’re going to save it. The tooth has just so much time before it can no longer be saved.

Infection? Infection can be indicated by all the aforementioned scenarios mentioned here. Don’t take a chance especially if you see swelling, pain or fever.

Common Dental Emergencies

  • Knocked out Tooth: If you have a tooth that’s been knocked out you can save the tooth by picking it up by the top portion called the crown, never the root. This causes contamination. Scrub the tooth with soap and water and rinse. Place it back in the socket if you can, if not place it in a clean container in milk to protect it.
  • Abscessed Tooth: When a tooth is abscessed it hurts sometimes unless the tooth nerve is dead. In this case you may not have a lot of symptoms until it gets really bad. When this happens, dental attention is paramount to both save the tooth or remove it so it doesn’t affect your health.
  • Loose Tooth or Infection: We have covered these at length but these are the most common that would be considered an emergency.

Other Dental Issues:

Other dental issues such as chipped teeth without pain, toothache that’s not accompanied by severe pain or lost crown or a filling that’s come out. For the filling you can use dental adhesive but please no superglue, this would be disastrous.

When you have the start of a dental issue, this is the time to make an appointment or call the dental office.

Avoiding Dental Emergencies:

Dental emergencies can be avoided with regular cleanings and checkups. Learn more with a consultation today.

Dental Smile of Hartford Logo


550 B Farmington Ave
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 956-5555

Operating Hours

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 8am - 2pm